The Wave

The Wave

​​After a national search, the Public Art Virginia Beach Foundation, along with art professionals from Virginia MOCA and the Chrysler Museum of Art, selected Jeff Laramore’s piece entitled The Wave, a 35-foot stainless steel sculpture to grace the entry to the Laskin Gateway.

The strategic placement of the sculpture provides a strong and beautiful sense of arrival to a very special destination. To ensure longevity, the sculpture is fabricated out of a combination of stainless steel plates and stainless steel cables.

The structure rests in a 35-foot wide reflecting pool inside the Laskin Road Roundabout and a colorful display of LED programmed lighting enhances the sculpture. Although stationary, the juxtaposition of the supporting members and the various angles of the cables evoke movement as one approaches it and passes by. The open design allows high winds to pass through reducing resistance.

About the Artist

Nationally recognized artist Jeff Laramore has focused on creating three-dimensional, site-specific executions that strive to bring people together and capture a strong sense of place.

Based in Indianapolis, Indiana, his public artworks have integrated many different materials, including water, glass, bronze, aluminum, and stainless steel. Reflecting a thorough understanding of space and environment, Laramore’s works balance abstraction with accessibility—refining simple forms with layers of meaning.

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